This month is going to be a bit tight financially. I'm sure this has happened to some of you, missed a bill last month, had some quarterly things come due, and so on. Our pantry is starting to look a bit bare (but not quite Mother Hubbard bare). We are far from poverty stricken, but the prayer "give us this day our daily bread" is in vogue at our house. I pulled some cheap fish called pangasius (that's fully grown iridescent shark to all you aquarium enthusiasts)
out of the freezer. I made some herb roasted potatoes, steamed some frozen veggies, and baked the fish quite simply with some garlic, dill, and lemon juice. Everyone (accept perhaps daughter #2 who has a pala
te quite difficult to please) really enjoyed the meal.
To recap, money's tight, there are not many options in the pantry, we pray "give us this day our daily bread," and we have the best meal we've had in a while.
life lesson: I think I could get into this depending on God thing.