11 October 2024

weakness is the way

I was reminded recently of a J. I. Packer quote from the book, Weakness is the Way, which I shared with my son shortly before his high school graduation in the infamous Spring of 2020. "…we are all weak and inadequate, and we need to face it… We need to be aware of our limitations and to let this awareness work in us humility and self-distrust, and a realization of our helplessness on our own. Thus we may learn our need to depend on Christ, our Savior and Lord, at every turn of the road, to practice that dependence as one of the constant habits of our heart, and hereby to discover what Paul discovered before us: 'when I am weak, then I am strong." 

In my InterVarsity ministry life, the South Dakota Area Team is shrinking. While it has been great to welcome Elijah to the team, Caleb’s transfer and the resignations of Rachael and Chris have left me in a place that’s hard to describe. I am grateful for the ministry each had with our team. But I am also faced with the dilemma of unstaffed student groups. I am tempted to believe that trying harder is the way, or that I need the (right) good idea (I have lots of good ideas... if you are familiar with strengthsfinder you will know what it means that ideation is one of my strengths) but weakness is the way. I have a God for this very circumstance. In Isaiah 42:3 we read "...a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench." 

Would you pray for me, my staff, your pastor, anyone you know serving the Lord who feels like the task is too big? Pray we would remember who is our strength and that we would trust in God alone.

1 comment:

Jeremy Hamilton said...

Funny that I only remembered the significance of the name of this blog and it's connection to the Packer quote after I posted. :)